Kannon Makeup
About Kannon Makeup Session
This session was made for your happy life with makeup.
Setting up the situation , where, with who, for who, for your goal ,happiness, solve a problem and etc. And then I want to you feel the difference with muscle test the between before and after makeup. Because the makeup has lot of power. If you feel more , you can be more powerful person.
I wand to you make the your makeup time will be more concentre on the set up the dat for the your day, a week and etc everyday. Mr. Toyota chiropractic doctor and me made this system.
Kannon Makeup Session
Would you like to change your mood ,fece, concept of your day ,week or month ? Would you want to have the magic of makeup in your daily life and special time ?
Kanon makeup session one person as one to one is for an hour is \15,000